It typically lodges at the distal aorta, often termed a “saddle thrombus”, which supplies the rear limbs with blood.
This condition makes the affected limbs painful, cold to touch, and typically non-functional.
Approximately 50% of patients with this condition are also in at least mild congestive heart failure at the time the clot is noted.
Plavix has been recently shown by the FAT CAT study to be the most effective antiplatelet medication in our feline friends.
Urgent medical attention is necessary if these signs are noted or return.
Please use caution when handling a patient that you believe may have developed a thrombus.
These animals are typically in severe pain and may scratch or bite.
Also, they likely cannot handle a high degree of stress due to their fragile status. Be gentle, place the patient into a carrier, and contact a
veterinarian as soon as possible.